Donvale Rehabilitation Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care


Donvale Rehabilitation Hospital recognises the value of being involved in research that guides innovative clinical practice. Participation in research is a strategic priority for our hospital and we are involved in several projects that help us to enhance patient outcomes. Patient care is not compromised by the hospital's involvement in research; in fact it drives the continued excellence of our clinical standards. Donvale Rehabilitation Hospital and Ramsay Health Care are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act (1988). Please refer to this page for our Privacy Policy.

Some of our projects can be seen below.



Stroke is a significant cause of disability in adults, with 2 billion people aged 60 plus expected to experience a stroke by 2050. After a stroke there is a higher risk of heart disease and further stroke. Recent research suggests that light, incidental activity can help to lower high blood pressure. However, physically capable stroke survivors are much less active than the average person, with only 18% managing to exercise regularly 5 years after their stroke. Factors which prevent people from being physically activity after a stroke include physical disability, fatigue, balance and anxiety. There are other factors which can affect how active a person is however the research on these is unclear. These factors include psychological factors (such as self-efficacy - the belief in oneself in being able to do something) and social factors (such as the support and encouragement from family and friends). A current research project is underway to answer the question, "What are the personal and psychological factors which influence physical activity levels following a stroke?". 

Espernberger, K., Fini, N., & Peiris, C. (2021). Personal and social factors that influence physical activity levels in community-dwelling stroke survivors: A systematic review of qualitative literature. Clinical Rehabilitation.

Timmer, A. J., Unsworth, C. A., & Browne, M. (2020). Occupational therapy and activity pacing with hospital-associated deconditioned older adults: a randomised controlled trial. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42(12), 1727-1735.

Schache, M. B., McClelland, J. A., & Webster, K. E. (2019). Incorporating hip abductor strengthening exercises into a rehabilitation program did not improve outcomes in people following total knee arthroplasty: a randomised trial. Journal of Physiotherapy, 65(3), 136-143.

Timmer, A. J., Unsworth, C. A., & Browne, M. (2019). A randomized controlled trial protocol investigating effectiveness of an activity-pacing program for deconditioned older adults. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 86(2), 136-147.

Unsworth, Carolyn A., Timmer, Amanda J. and Wales, Kylie. "Reliability of the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs-OT)." Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 65.2 (2018): 376-386.

Schache, Margaret B., McClelland, Jodie A., and Webster, Kate E. "Does the addition of hip strengthening exercises improve outcomes following total knee arthroplasty? A study protocol for a randomised trial." BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 17.1 (2016): 259-273.

Schache, Margaret B., McClelland, Jodie A., and Webster, Kate E. "Reliability of measuring hip abductor strength following total knee arthroplasty using a hand-held dynamometer." Disability and Rehabilitation 38.6 (2016): 597-600.

Timmer, Amanda J., Unsworth, Carolyn A., and Taylor, Nicholas F. "Occupational therapy inpatient rehabilitation interventions with deconditioned older adults following an acute hospital admission: A Delphi study." Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 62.1 (2015): 41-49.

Schache, Margaret B., McClelland, Jodie A., and Webster, Kate E. "Lower limb strength following total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review." The Knee 21.1 (2014): 12-20.

Timmer, Amanda J., Unsworth, Carolyn A., and Taylor, Nicholas F. "Rehabilitation interventions with deconditioned older adults following an acute hospital admission: a systematic review." Clinical Rehabilitation 28.11 (2014): 1078-1086.

McNeill, M and Timmer, A, ‘Activate - A new multidisciplinary Oncology Outpatient Program’, National OT Exchange-Virtual Conference, 2020 - long oral presentation

Timmer, A. ‘Activity pacing for deconditioned older adults in sub-acute care‘, National Occupational Therapy Conference, Sydney, 2019 - long oral presentation

De Cata, L and Timmer, A. ‘Are you tired of not sleeping? A novel approach to addressing sleep as an occupation in sub-acute care ‘, National Occupational Therapy Conference, Sydney, 2019 - poster and oral presentation

McHugh, B., Stubenrauch, C. and Timmer, A. 'Take the pressure off - a novel approach to pressure injury prevention in sub-acute care', Victorian/Tasmanian Occupational Therapy Conference, Melbourne, 2018 - long oral presentation.

Condron, C., Stubenrauch, C. and Timmer, A. 'Enhancing the student evaluation process: a framework for consumer inclusion', National Occupational Therapy Conference, Perth, 2017 - long oral presentation.

Stubenrauch, C. and Timmer, A. 'Bridging the gab between students' theoretical knowledge and clinical reasoning during professional practice placements', National Occupational Therapy Conference, Perth, 2017 - long oral presentation.

Timmer, A. and Unsworth, C. 'Activity pacing with deconditioned older adults: defining and articulating an occupation-focused approach to reconditioning in subacute care', National Occupational Therapy Conference, Perth, 2017 - short oral presentation.

Timmer, A. 'Introducing the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures - Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs-OT) into a subacute setting and analysis of the first 6 months data', National Occupational Therapy Conference, Perth, 2017 - poster presentation.

Brown, D. and Timmer, A. 'Where is the occupation in a multidisciplinary back pain program?', Victorian Occupational Therapy Conference, Melbourne, 2016 - poster presentation.

Corn, K., Wang, B., Andrew C., and Dorevitch, M. 'Implementing multidisciplinary intervention for identified risk factors with patients at risk of falling in a private rehabilitation hospital', Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference, Melbourne, 27-29th November 2016 - oral presentation.

Pound, E., White, M. and Timmer, A. 'Computer assisted visual retraining post stroke', National Occupational Therapy Conference, Melbourne, 2015 - oral presentation.

Timmer, A. 'Inpatient rehabilitation with deconditioned older adults: a Delphi study regarding occupational therapy service delivery and interventions', National Occupational Therapy Conference, Melbourne, 2015 - oral presentation.

Timmer, A. 'Reconditioning interventions in a rehabilitation setting: a systematic review', World Federation Occupational Therapy Conference (WFOT), Japan, 2014 - oral presentation.

Bakker, L. ' Can the use of the iPad enhance the home assessment process?', Victorian Occupational Therapy Conference, Melbourne, 2014 - oral presentation.

Jones, L., Blair, M., de Morton, N. 'Is the Lower Extremity Functional Scale an appropriate outcome measure for outpatient rehabilitation patients?', Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference, Brisbane, 2015 - poster presentation.

Jones, L. 'What is the efficacy of aquatic physiotherapy following THR surgery?', Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference, Brisbane, 2015 - oral presentation.

Jones, L. 'Is the Lower Extremity Functional Scale *LEFS) an appropriate outcome measure for outpatient rehabilitation patients?', Victorian Allied Health Research Conference, 2014 - poster presentation.

Yee, M. 'Evaluation of fear of falling in the low level inpatient balance group', Victorian Allied Health Research Conference, 2014 - poster presentation.