What is Aphasia (a-faze-yuh)?
June is Aphasia Awareness Month. Aphasia (sometimes called dysphasia) is a language difficulty.
It can affect many aspects of communication including:
- Speech or talking
- Finding words and putting words together into sentences
- Understanding speech
- Reading and understanding written information
- Writing
- Spelling
- Gesture
- Using numbers.
What causes Aphasia?
Aphasia is caused when the language areas of the brain are damaged (usually by a stroke). In most people, the areas of the brain which control language are found in the front region of the left side of the brain.
- Stroke is the most common cause of aphasia.
- About a third (1/3) of all people who have strokes develop aphasia.
- Other causes of aphasia include head injury and brain tumours.
- In rare cases, a person may have a primary progressive aphasia. This is a slowly worsening aphasia. It is not caused by any of the above conditions.
- Approximately 80,000 Australians have aphasia
Aphasia affects people differently
- Aphasia can vary in severity (mild to very severe)
- Aphasia can vary in type (receptive or expressive, fluent or non-fluent)
- Severe aphasia makes communication very difficult
- Aphasia can be very frustrating for the person with aphasia and his / her family and friends. It can affect relationships and lead to social isolation and depression.
- People with aphasia often know what they want to say but have difficulty getting messages in and out
- Aphasia can change and improve over time
- Aphasia does not affect intelligence
Our team of Speech Pathologists at Donvale Rehabilitation Hospital are highly trained in the management of Aphasia, as well as many other communication and swallowing conditions. Speech Pathologists provide people with Aphasia with treatments and strategies to improve their speaking, understanding, reading, writing, overall communication confidence and ultimately their wellbeing and quality of life.
If you or someone you know is struggling with Aphasia, your Doctor can refer you to Donvale Rehabilitation Hospital to help you achieve your goals.
Please feel free contact us for further information. Referrals should be addressed to:
Mail: Donvale Rehabilitation Hospital, 1119 Doncaster Rd, Donvale 3111
Fax: 9841 1405
Email: outpatient.drh@ramsayhealth.com.au